
June 18, 2011

Getting By

Image in Public Domain, Obtained from Wikimedia Commons

Finally back to some sewing around here.  Although, sadly, computer glitches are keeping me from sharing any photos.  Perhaps by Monday, things will be operational around here.  Or not.  In the meantime, thank heavens for my tiny Netbook.  I don't know how people manage to work off tablets and phones.  I guess I'm just Old School.  

It scares me to think of the Cloud.  I know it's coming but I am not ready.  I've had enough headache dealing with a crashed PC and malware/virus/etc.  Can you imagine what happens when the Cloud crashes?  Productivity plummets across the board. 

I'm going to enjoy the sunshine for a while.  I need a break from technology and all its traps.  Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to spend time being disconnected.

1 comment:

  1. My cameras playing up, bits of paper stuck into it are keeping it going. I liked that I could use a simple solution. The whole Cloud thing is mind boggling isn't it. Technology just moves so fast. I hope your day in the sun was a lovely one, no doubt you took photos, we can see them another day when the glitches are fixed.
